hello home.

Hello Home.

bits and pieces of life because my memory is so bad i'm afraid i'll never remember the most glorious details.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

10 months and a little update

oh boy, i'm running so behind on these monthly posts i don't even know where to start. so let me see here, baby girl turned 10 months over a month ago. she actually turned 11 months a couple weeks ago and i'm gearing up for her first birthday just around the corner so this reveals two things about me...1. life is super crazy right now and i'm running just a tiny bit behind and 2. i've severely neglected this blog and will do my very best to get my priorities in order moving forward.

i'm also about to reveal something else about myself, i have the absolute worst memory so sitting here trying to remember all the milestones she hit at 10 months is proving to be pretty challenging, which also makes me kind of sad. i need to really try hard to remember every single moment of her beautiful life but the days and months are all beginning to mush together. all the while, i'm doing my very best to cling on to these last days of having an official baby before she turns 1 in a couple weeks and is then considered a "toddler."

so her daddy and i have pretty much come to the realization that she's never going to be a crawler. she has mastered this very odd yet very adorable boot scoot that gets her from point A to point B just fine and has shown major interest in pulling herself up and cruising, which means she's getting closer to walking than she ever was to crawling. she's also very much in the mommy-clinging stage. i can't leave the room without hearing her cry but all of this will change soon once she figures out how to walk and can then just follow me every where i go.

baby-proofing is coming along. since she never really crawled we kind of got a very nice smooth transition into baby-proofing. we've replaced our coffee table and tv stand and installed childproofing locks on all the kitchen cabinets but other than that we really didn't have to do much. i think my larger concern is our dogs and all the treasures they bring in from the outdoors. one of the dogs loves to bring in sticks and baby loves to chew on them.

so i guess that's it for our 10 month update. i'll shut up now and let you scroll through the adorable pictures and amazing graphic design work by my friend KO.

oh and p.s. she's still not sleeping through the night but i'm almost certain i don't need to document this in my blog because i will definitely definitely remember the day she decides to grace us with the glory of sleep again.

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